Monday October 10th is World Mental Health Day. As Educators or as parents, we know having caring, connected conversations can have a big impact on the mental health of children and youth.
Access to mental health care is crucial to helping individuals receive the necessary support. Below we have provided mental health check-ins that help recognize these heavy feelings or experiences. We also shared simple ways to help cope during these difficult times and hopefully alleviate whatever it is you are experiencing. Useful websites, organizations , hotlines, workbooks, daily affirmations, journal sheets and book suggestions are a few things to try out.
If things persist, we recommend seeking professional assistance such as physician, therapists, health and wellness coaches, counsellors or crisis workers. Ensuring that individuals have access to mental health care can improve lives and communities.
LCCC is committed to providing a barrier-free , safe , supportive, respectful environment for all children. As educators we want LCCC to be a space:
To have meaningful , respectful relationship's
A place to learn how to deal with conflict
To allow access to education and activities
To embrace culture and diversity amongst people with all walks of life, regardless of gender, race or disability , personal experiences
To be supportive in children's future planning and goals
To help build self confidence and well-being
PEEL: please call 905-451-4655
Local and Nationwide Crisis Services for Children and Youth, Under 16
Local and Nationwide Crisis Services for Youth and Young Adults, Age 16+
Walk-In Counselling Services in Peel
Walk-In Counselling Services Outside Peel Region
ROCK Walk-In Counselling(Halton Region)
What’s Up Walk-In Counselling(Toronto)
Talk-In Clinic (Dufferin County)
Mobile York South Simcoe Youth Walk-In Clinic (York Region/South Simcoe)
Front Door Mental Health(Kitchener/Waterloo Region)
Child and Youth Mental Health Advocacy Groups

