School Age 2 classroom wanted to display flags around the centre. They used brown paper, kwik-stix and markers to display the 2SLGBTQIA+ flag as well as encouraging messages and words! This is a great way to show they are in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQ+ community! The SA2’s very much enjoy making banners and posters and if you know their RECE Stacey, she enjoys teaching the students how to use various mediums for art, as well as Lettering/ Calligraphy techniques! It’s all about self expression in this class and it’s supported!
School Age 1 included a fun way to show their support for the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Each student individually painted the rainbow on their hands and applied their hand print to a white sheet of paper. This step was repeated but the idea is to have each hand print curve to shape a bigger rainbow! Jessica and Amber also included other various activities like rainbow sensory, or rainbow coloured building blocks and legos as other options to explore. This class are also avid readers, so RECE Jess often reads books at circle and later has group discussions open for opinions and questions. This month they have openly discussed the meaning of PRIDE.
Kindergarten 2 always have an abundance of fun activities! To kick off Pride month,
K2 decorated the class with hand drawn posters, pride/rainbow balloons, face painting and a dance party! As we all know Derek and Aria always provide many informative reading materials! Definitely check it out here for this PRIDE edition of DEREK’s READING CORNER! Derek and Aria are also another class that often enjoys neighbourhoods walks which they often find murals or statues or things that spark their curiosity or liking. The students actually found a rainbow right here within the schoolyard. Of course it was the perfect spot to take a PRIDE group photo!
Everyone smile and say “PRIDE!”
Preschool 2 also designed flags! The educators painted the students hands the colours of the rainbow, then applied it on construction paper. The rainbow painted hand print was then cut out and a stick was added to appear like a flag. Next the Preschool 2 went around the neighbourhood to have a PRIDE parade waving their flags to support! The preschool 2’s often enjoy their walks around the neighbourhood, so incorporating Pride Parade was a fantastic idea! It’s an excellent way to include PRIDE in everyday activities!
Preschool 1 meticulously made a rainbow for Pride month. It definitely took a lot of time and detail as each rainbow was coloured with marker as the first step. Secondly, they curved the piper cleaners and glued it on to shape the rainbow. Lastly they glued the pompoms to match so it’s colour coordinated! Great job P1’s! We can’t wait to see what these P2’s are capable of learning when they move up to K’s!
The Toddler 2’s found a creative way to spread pride all over, quite literally. The educators assisted the toddlers spread paint colours using a scraper creating a beautiful rainbow flag. This technique allows for excellent hand control and the ability to accurately use various tools big or small.
Toddler 1’s made the cutest rainbow and cloud art! The toddlers were provided a large cutout cloud and had to use a paintbrush to individually glue each coloured strip! What’s amazing about this activity is that it is ‘Process-Focused Art’. The toddlers were given an open-ended project and they have the opportunity to express themselves through their work.
This activity provided the necessary materials but allowed the toddlers to express, create and decide where to apply each strip!