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Truth & Reconciliation: learning, healing and raising awareness

Samantha Erin

Updated: May 15, 2023

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation: Orange Shirt Day was also created as an opportunity to discuss the effects of residential schools and their legacy.

It honours the experiences of Indigenous Peoples, celebrates resilience and affirms a commitment that every child matters.


Lakeshore Community Childcare Centre honours survivors of Residential Schools, the children who didn’t return home, their families, and communities. This day is an opportunity to shed light on our painful shared history and the ongoing impact of colonization, including the Residential School system. Recognizing the day is an important part of our Truth and Reconciliation journey.

We want to acknowledge that this may be a challenging day for some of our students, staff, and families. It is a reminder for all of us to be respectful of others, mindful of everyone’s lived experiences and identities. We recognize that we are all at different places in our journeys. Our hope is for our daycare/school communities to work and learn together towards respect, healing and understanding.

Throughout the week, LCCC will be engaging in classroom activities related to teachings about the impact of Residential Schools.

We encourage you to talk and listen to your child about their learning. One of the best ways to open the door to these difficult conversations is through reading stories.

In an upcoming blog this week, we will provide resources to support families in their learning. We also provide age-appropriate books, activities and family events /ceremonies /workshops that is in support of Indigenous Peoples.

We also provide a phone numbers for those who are in need of support or in distress during this difficult time.

It is our responsibility to do our part in helping guide our communities on this journey.

Thank you for your ongoing support anhd htaking time to reflect and learn.

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