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Canada’s National Indigenous Peoples Day

Canada’s National Indigenous Peoples Day and is annually held on June 21 to celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding achievements of the nation’s Aboriginal peoples.
There are three Aboriginal groups in Canada – the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.

Canada’s National Indigenous Peoples Day gives many people the chance to learn more about Aboriginal people and their contributions towards the country’s development and progress.

First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people have the opportunity to showcase their cultures and achievements throughout Canada on this day.

National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada gives people of all walks of life the opportunity to celebrate and share knowledge about the Aboriginal peoples’ values, customs, languages, and culture.

In what ways can we celebrate and acknowledge NIPD ?

You and your family and friends can celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day with either traditional or contemporary activities. Here are just a few ideas and resources:

  • Indigenous guest speakers, e.g. an Elder or virtual

  • partner with an on-reserve school or local Indigenous organization

  • arts and crafts display or workshop

  • learn a few words in an Indigenous language

  • traditional or contemporary games, e.g. lacrosse

  • displays of treaties, arts and books

  • storytelling

  • youtube indigenous dancers and singers

  • field trips to significant local Indigenous sites

  • research on the contributions made by Indigenous people to Canada

  • identify or learn about Indigenous heroes/heroines in Canada

  • Indigenous food preparation and recipes

  • visit Indigenous websites, including:



Word Search

Anicinabec (Algonquian): All First Nations people

Chiniskumitin (Cree): thank you

Gitwinksihlkw (Nisga'a): people of the place of the lizard

Ikajurtaul (Inuktut): help me

Kinauviit (Inuktut): What's your name?

Kishnamawachik (Michif): youth

Laxkwalaams (Tsimshian): place of the wild roses

Lustagooch (Mi'qmaq): five-branched river

Mani-Utenam (Montagnais): Mary's village

Matimekush (Montagnais): little trout

Mooskudoboogwek (Mi'qmaq): that which makes foam

Natashkuan (Montagnais): where we hunt bear

Nawsyoon (Michif): nation

Onitariio (Huron): magnificent lake

Rimouski (Mi'qmaq or Malecite): land of the moose

Sandakwa (Huron): eagle

Sohkiciwahsipî (Cree): fast-flowing river

Sunaunaa (Inuktut): What is it?

Wahdobekaung (Ojibway): where the alders grow

Cruncher Game:

a fun fast-facts game about Indigenous peoples in Canada

If are you looking for a fun fast-facts game about Indigenous peoples in Canada? download this interactive resource below

The cruncher is a fun colouring activity that will help children (ages 8 to 12) learn more about First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada.



Below is a PDF link to a story called The Great Festival Of Light

Below is a website link to a story called: Claire and her Grandfather

Learn about Indigenous culture with the story of Claire, who is learning about her heritage.

Below is a website link to a story called: Crow and Little Bear

Learn the benefits of sharing from this Coast Salish story.

Below is a website link to a story called: The Lily Root

Learn about the Ojibway story of a grandfather who helps his grandson see things in a different way.



Fried bread

Six servings


3 cups (750 ml) sifted flour 1 tsp (5 ml) salt 1–2 tbsp (15–30 ml) baking powder Water Vegetable oil or lard


  1. Mix half of the flour with the remaining dry ingredients.

  2. Add water until the mixture becomes thick, like paper maché paste. Add more flour until the dough feels like a soft earlobe.

  3. Heat the oil over medium-high heat until very hot but not smoking.

  4. Break off small pieces of the dough, and flatten each to the size of your palm

  5. Place the pieces in the hot oil.

  6. Turn over after 3–4 minutes, or when golden brown.

  7. Place the bannock on a paper towel to soak up the excess grease.

  8. Serve plain or with maple syrup or blueberry jam.




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