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Important Back to School Safety Tips

Samantha Erin

Updated: May 15, 2023

We are finally back to school!

We all know that when school starts, the streets gets more hectic and busier. it's busy from cyclists, scooters snd pedestrians going to and from their destination. Also buses and cars making for more heavy traffic.

Here are some of our safety tips we learned from our trip to Safety Village. This was our last summer Camp trip leading up to the start of the school year.

To help with the transition and share the roads safely, read our safety tips below! Let's stay safe this school year!

1) Obey Speed Zones posted near Schools

It is without a doubt that you should obey posted speed limits as one should. It is especially important during the school year as there are so many children on their way to and from school. Sometimes children can easily get distracted, get very playful or wander where they can possibly get in harms way. Sometimes children scooter, skateboard and cycle to and from school, not always being aware of their surroundings. Sometimes they are out for recess in school yards or playing at nearby parks or playgrounds which are not necessarily always fenced and most times have access to roads. It is imperative that we slow down and be vigilant throughout the day.

2) Always Obey the Crossing Guard

It is so important that children are safe to and from school. Crossing guards are often hired to ensure students and other pedestrians are safe at very busy intersections. It is important to follow their direction as they are being extremely vigilant of the area. For example if you arrive at a set of lights and it turns green, the crossing guard may still hold their stop sign because it is possible a child may still be crossing, which you may not see.

3) Watch for Darting Children

As we mentioned earlier, children are small, quick and can sometimes be easily excited or distracted. This can often lead to dangerous situations putting them in harms way like on the road. be alert and vigilant as a child can easily appear out of nowhere. It is common in parking lots behind or in front of the vehicle x it can take place at the entry or exit if driveways. Sometimes kids don't always necessarily stay on the sidewalks . They may very well go onto the road to j walk as a short cut. They may try obtain a ball or something that flew away slipping from them making them dart onto the road onto incoming traffic. These are just a few examples.

Although we keep repeating this but again, be alert, vigilant and in these cases your quick response might be needed to prevent an accident.

Below is useful for school bus passengers and their parents.

Rules for Walking, Scootering, Cycling, Skateboarding

  1. before crossing, make sure there is no oncoming traffic

  2. Walk , don't run across the street

  3. Don't walk while using ear buds, texting, or doing anything else that may prevent you from hearing traffic or distract your attention

  4. If you are on a bike, scooter or skateboard, get off it when crossing the road. you can easily hop on once you're back onto the sidewalk.

  5. When walking to and from school, stay on your usual route. Do not explore other areas as you may get lost or be in an area that is not safe for you.

  6. Do not go near any train tracks and if your route is near train tracks, follow the train signal lights, listen for trains and stay back to keep your distance from the speedy powerful train.

  7. You may be curious if contraction zones or abandoned homes, but do not enter. No one will know you are there and it is dangerous where things may collapse or break, leaving you in harms way

  8. Do not talk to any strangers. They may offer you things that seem appealing, but do not accept. Do not go near their vehicle or even follow their direction. Do not tell them where you live either. If that does happen, always keep your phone (if you have near) and call someone to let them know you are in an uncomfortable situation where a stranger is talking to you. If you do not have a phone, enter a place of business abs inform an employee. You may want to tell your friend ir trusted adult or neighbor nearby to keep you safe and take care of matters.

4) School Buses

Most accidents take place outside the bus believe it or not. Make sure children don't arrive too early at the bus stop where they can wander or get into mischief. Ensure your children wait well away from the road and stay back until the school bus makes a full stop and the doors open.

It is not often explained to kids why they must walk at least three metres (10 feet) away when crossing in front of the bus. If you can reach the bus you are in the danger zone of the bus. It is so the driver can see them. When driving your car, you are not to pass a school bus when the signal lights are flashing and the stop sign arm is displayed. The reason is, children are often crossing the road at that time. Even when the flashing lights and stop sign arm is away, drive slowly as a general precaution.

Below is useful for school bus passengers and their parents.

Rules for getting on the bus safely:

  1. Be at the bus stop on time.

  2. Never run to or from the bus.

  3. Wait at the designated stop in a safe place well back or away from the side of the road/curbs.

  4. Remember the danger zone around the bus. The danger zone is anywhere close enough to touch the bus. The bus driver cannot see you when you are in the danger zone.

  5. If you cross the street to get on the bus: when the bus comes, wait until it has come to a complete stop. The bus driver will make sure all the traffic stops. The stop arm will be out and the red lights will be flashing. Watch the driver. When the driver knows it is safe, he or she will signal you to cross, but watch for traffic yourself. Walk, don't run.

  6. Hold the hand rail as you get on the bus. Don't push or shove.

Rules for on the bus:

  1. Take your seat as quickly as possible and sit properly, facing forward at all times.

  2. Hold bags and parcels in your lap. Do not put your feet into the aisle: someone might trip.

  3. Keep your head, arms and everything inside the bus. Don't throw anything out the windows or around in the bus.

  4. Talk quietly. The driver must concentrate to drive the bus safely.

  5. Save snacks for snack time at school or for when you get home. They may spill or you may choke if the bus goes over a big bump.

  6. No fighting, shouting or playing in or around the bus.

  7. Always follow the bus driver's instructions.

Rules for leaving the bus safely:

  1. When you leave the bus, hold the handrail and step away from the bus.

  2. To cross the street in front of the bus, walk ahead at least 10 giant steps (three metres). Cross only when the driver gives a signal. Cross the street in single file.

  3. If you drop something near the bus, don't pick it up. Tell the driver or another adult first.

  4. If everyone is getting off the bus, the people at the front leave first. Do not push.

  5. Be familiar with the bus driver's rules for emergencies.

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