The cold weather is already upon us and we want to ensure that all families are prepared and aware of TDSB Severe Weather Procedure.
Please note that for 2022:
When buses are cancelled - ALL schools will also be CLOSED; to staff & students.
This closure will include Before- and After-School Programs and Extended Day Programs.
Child care programs (serving infant, toddler and preschool) can remain open to families.
In the communication to parents sent Monday December 13, families were encouraged to connect directly with the child care to confirm they are open as some programs may choose to close due to the weather.
Notice of TDSB school closures will be posted on:
The home page of : https://www.tdsb.on.ca/
Our Twitter page by 6:00 am. https://twitter.com/tdsb @tdsb
Child care programs will also receive notification via email from the Child Care Services team if schools are closed, but the TDSB website and Twitter page will be the best sources for up-to-date information.
Please do not hesitate to connect with LCCC should you have any questions.